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Where are you in your business growth journey?

Are you starting out and still involved in everything? Do you have trusted employee’s managing some or all of the key parts of your business? Do you have an executive team with robust business planning and operations processes in place? Do you have all-year-round sustainable cash flow? Do you have a well-defined vision of where you want to get to? Have you got the people and resources around you to get there?

A one-to-one business advisory engagement gets to grips with these and other aspects of your business in a structured way. Building a business is about doing the right things at the right time the right way. All the textbooks and AI tools may not give you the answers you need because success starts with defining the challenge properly by asking the right questions. This is where you would start with an expert business advisor like Pat Duffy.

The Commercial Principles are Simple

One-to-One Business Owner Coaching

Business owners have used Pat Duffy on a one-to-one basis to help them work out how both they and their business will develop. Pat helps the business owner to create and commit to their own unique vision of the future. The focus then moves on to working out how to get there. Frequently, there are immediate challenges which need to be addressed before putting a medium to long term development strategy in place. The approach and methods used varies depending on the business owners needs and where they are in their business journey. At the beginning of the journey this may simply be a critical first step towards shifting the mix of working to “on” the business rather than simply “in” the business. At the other end of the business journey, it can be the start of planning for a successful business exit.

How can Individual Coaching Work for your Business

Develop your Business

Business owners have used Pat Duffy on a one-to-one basis to help them work out how both they and their business will develop.

Envision the future of your Business

Pat helps the business owner to create and commit to their own unique vision of the future. The focus then moves on to working out how to get there.

Identify Challenges

Frequently, there are immediate challenges which need to be addressed before putting a medium to long term development strategy in place.

Working to “on” rather than “in” the business.

At the beginning of the journey this may simply be a critical first step towards shifting the mix of working to “on” the business rather than simply “in” the business. At the other end of the business journey, it can be the start of planning for a successful business exit.